Glow Up Girl: My Journey to Self-Improvement and How You Can Start Yours Too

Hey babes! Welcome to Glow Up Girl, where we’re all about empowering each other to make small, sustainable changes for a healthier and happier life. I’m so excited to have you here and to share my journey with you.

My name is Anna, and I’m a 24-year-old woman working from home in the tech field, based in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California. Like many of you, I’ve faced my fair share of challenges and struggles. There was a time when I felt completely lost and overwhelmed by my mental and physical health issues. However, really by brute force, I was able to turn that around, and that means so can you!

The Start of My Glow Up Journey

To be honest, I was nervous about starting this blog. I’m not an expert on wellness, and I definitely don’t have everything figured out. But that’s exactly why I’m here. I believe it’s more helpful to learn from someone who’s in the same place in their journey as you are, or just a few steps ahead, rather than someone who seems lightyears away.

A few years ago, I was struggling with a myriad of mental health issues that quickly also took a toll on my physical health. I knew I needed to make a change. So, I made some pretty bold moves. I went cold turkey off psychiatric meds (just a little disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and this isn’t a recommendation, but it’s my truth). I started walking a little every day until exercise became a natural part of my routine. I focused on improving my gut health and nutrition, I re-committed to mindfulness and meditation practices, and actually focused on being financially responsible. And to be clear - this didn’t all happen overnight. I found over time that wellness was so much more holistic than I had always imagined - if I was eating well and exercising my body would feel good, then my mind would feel good so I could improve another area (like reducing toxic stress responses), and overtime you literally force rewire your brain into viewing life as a beautiful and manageable thing rather than (to be dramatic, but also real) the bane of your existence. It also can work in the reverse way - let one area of your life fall out of order and it quickly feels like your whole world is crashing down, that is if you don’t have some systems in place to help you stay on track even when things go awry.

These changes weren’t easy, and I’m far from perfect. But each small, actionable step I took helped me drag myself up from feeling my worst to feeling pretty damn good about where I’m at now. And that’s why I started Glow Up Girl—to help other women make these small, sustainable changes that can dramatically improve mental and physical wellbeing over time.

What You Can Expect from Glow Up Girl

On this blog, you’ll find a mix of health and wellness tips, personal finance advice, self-care and beauty hacks, and sustainable lifestyle changes. Whether you’re looking to start a new exercise routine, improve your diet, or just need some inspiration to keep going, Glow Up Girl is here for you.

I’m so excited to share this journey with you and to build a community where we can all support and uplift each other. Remember, glowing up isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making progress and embracing the journey. So, let’s take this path to progress together and start glowing up, girl!

Feel free to reach out with any questions or topics you’d like me to cover. I’m here to help and can’t wait to hear from you!

To glowing and growing ✨



Make-Ahead Gut-Healthy Salad: Easy Recipe for a Week of Delicious Meals